Mrs. Teabody Wonders About All this World Flattening

I vividly recall the first time I stood on the shoreline in Margate, New Jersey (39th parallel North-- same as McConnellsburg, PA) and contemplated the vastness of the Atlantic Ocean. I'd studied geography in school, watched my teachers pull maps of the world down in front of the blackboard, memorized a thing or fifty about the world. There wasn't a school library in my past that didn't feature a globe and it set my brain cells on fire to spin it and think how we all lived on an oblate spheroid floating in space and that we spun, too. Dizzying concept for a child. One of the thoughts I contemplated as I stood there was that if I could walk in a straight line across the Atlantic Ocean, I'd come to Europe. Hopefully, I'd end up in some charming town in England near the Beatles. Near Paul. This morning's research of the 39th parallel North tells me we share our latitude with the Island of Ibiza (Spain), Island of Sardinia (Italy) then Greece, Turkey, Iran, U...