Mrs. Teabody Shares Twenty Out of Thirty of her Reasons to Love June

Truth to tell, I love all the seasons and everything each season brings. Many of my fellow Pennsylvania-born-and-bred friends feel the same way and cannot imagine a year without fall color, without a significant snowfall or without a spring where the barren trees miraculously burst into full leaf and lawns and fields turn green. And then comes June with some of her days so ridiculously PERFECT and with her promise that we can now count on at least three months of warm--sometimes TOO warm - -weather. This morning I will share twenty out of my top thirty reasons for loving June right here in Fulton County, Pennsylvania because I want you to think about how very much you also love this month and come up with your own TOP TEN. Then maybe a little later on we can SHARE? Let's get started: #30. Long, Lovely days As I write this, the eastern sky is already starting to color and it will be full daylight before six. In another two weeks the sun will have rolled no...