Mrs. Teabody Makes "Filling"

Good Morning on this chilly Thanksgiving morning 2016, and I hope you started your day by sending up a Thanks to the Heaven who hears you for this day, this food-filled, family-enhanced, traveling-optional celebration of gratitude. If you slept in a bed with a roof over your head, stopped by indoor facilities as your first stop of the day, and are now finding your way to your computer and your link to the interwebs, you already have PLENTY to be grateful for, don't you? If you did not send up a Thank You when your eyes opened, do so now. Mrs. Teabody can wait. How will you commemorate this day of Thanksgiving, Gentle Reader? Mr. and Mrs. Teabody will be hosting family who always make all the work lighter and the food better by sharing in the preparation. The first course will be served an hour ahead of the main event. This will be some delicious soup made by the culinary genius team of Ross and Elaine from Orrtanna with side nibbles of healthy munchies broug...