Mrs. Teabody & Co Visit Volt Family Meal

Bee's Knees, Mango Twister, Vodka Cobbler Busy schedules and varied pursuits often find even the best of friends scrambling to spend quality time together so it's no surprise that a once-a-year outing for a trio of loosely-knit friends – all food-fondies -- ended up in a new-for-us restaurant. Tuesday evening took us to Family Meal, an odd and misleading appendage for a very trendy joint. Want to find it? Drive to Hagerstown's Valley Mall on Halfway Boulevard and hang a right on the circuit road—the one toward Macy's and the theatres. As soon as you see Toys-R-Us, heads up, and there it is tucked away in a corner-- all low slung and brandy new with ample parking. It's cool inside, clean and minamalist and we were quickly led to a booth, food-menued and bar-menued by a peppy youngster and no sooner were small squatty water glasses in place than our attractive and friendly “Ali Layne” dropped by. “Give us two minutes and we'll order drinks,” we said perusing t...