Mrs. Teabody Plans NEXT Christmas!

Christmas tree 2015 "A failure to plan is a plan to fail." Christmas Season 2015 Reflections: Mrs. Teabody must begin by saying the following advice is not for everyone--just those of you who can no longer count on your memory and/or the spontaneity of friends to carry you through the wonderful season between Thanksgiving and Epiphany with all your dreams of "making merry" with friends and family fulfilled. With Thanksgiving coming so late in November and with Christmas falling on a Friday this year, there was one less weekend-- the time when folks generally schedule parties and other get togethers. "It all went so fast. Before I knew it Christmas was past and I hadn't done ANYTHING," was a recent lament voiced over a cuppa “Fulton County Christmas” just last week at Tickle Your Fancy, Mrs. Teabody's little gifts and tea emporium. For those of you still stinging over the lack of conviviality during the season, Mrs. Teabody offers some ...