Mrs. Teabody Hangs a Star

Christmas tree teeming with ornaments or·na·ment : a thing used to make something look more attractive but usually having no practical purpose: Synonyms: knickknack, trinket, bauble, bibelot, gewgaw, gimcrack, furbelow . Call it (them) what you will, Mrs. Teabody loves oranments, ornamentation and perhaps you do, too, Gentle Reader? The Monday after Thanksgiving was not one of those blissfully harmonious days during which Mrs. Teabody puttered around engaging in frivolous tasks such as Christmas card writing or Christmas present wrapping or poinsettia fluffing. On this particular Monday, Mrs. Teabody had a serious “to do” list which meant that Mr. Teabody could NOT be left to his own devices in the depths of the house to engage in whatever he does “down there” with his stockpile of no fewer than a hundred wrenches, a trio of band saws, many, many large pieces of machines with heavy electrical cords, wheels, car parts. . . No. Christmas draws on apace and while the front entra...