
Showing posts from July, 2015

Mrs. Teabody Says It Really Does Take a Village

Good Morning from a moist and muggy Meadow Grounds Mountain where the fish are jumpin' (in the aquarium) and the cotton is  high (on the bed). If anyone had ANY shred of doubt about Summer being  firmly ensconced, you simply must be housebound and not among those individuals who climbed a flight of stairs to a very warm "Second Story" to revel in the presentation of the artwork of eight of the best local artists as well as  the folk art finding its way onto the sides of local barns and other buildings through the efforts of the Fulton County Barn Quilt Trail. Opening weekend with over 200 visitors  during the artists' reception Friday night and  well over one hundred more on the weekend was evidence enough that folks want art in their lives, that they DO value the creative process. Like any undertaking of this magnitude, it takes a village of people and Thanks are due so here goes: Antietam Ironworks is owned by Kathleen Gunnell and her family. Without her o...

Mrs. Teabody Waves a Flag

Quiet hangs on these rooms and on the fully-leaved and lushy green trees that surround Chez Teabody this Fourth of July 2015. Cool breezes waft through the house's open windows and screened doorways this fourth morning in a row where low temperatures have provided the best of sleeping conditions. It rained in the night again making gardening  iffy and the forecast is for cloudy and overcast with a chance of picnics. Mrs. Teabody woke up with these  memorized and sacrosanct words on her mind this Independence Day: "We hold these truths to be self evident: that all men are created equal, endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, That among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness." Created equal. All men. Everybody. Everybody. It is no leap of faith to conclude that those born in China or Persia or Sweden or Africa are also created equal. Even if they have a different flag. They do have different flags. Mrs. Teabody does not feel any scars...