Mrs. Teabody Puts a Bully in the Corner

A lily prepares to bloom without fear. Hello, Summer! You have teased this little part of the world for weeks now with the errant scorcher, the ominous thunderstorms, the lushing-out greens. Now this June 22, 2015 you have officially arrived full of promise, full of plans, and ready to throw a curve ball into any of it when you have a mind to. Welcome, Summer, with all your wacky and unpredictable wonderfulness. At Tickle Your Fancy , Mrs. Teabody's little downtown enterprise, you can find at least a dozen teas that will flavor your summer in new and unchartered ways including Marrakech Mint, Moroccan Mint, and Slammin' Sammy Spearmint for all of you who like to get your mint on. For the exotic, there is brandy new "Shakespeare" which is a dark chocolate cherry tea good hot or cold. For the health-conscious ( All tea drinkers believe in and enjoy wonderful health!) there is "Bullett-Proof", a rooibos generously laced with turmeric and ginger. Do che...