Mrs. Teabody Advises Ye to Gather Rosebuds

Mr. Teabody's Sculpture "To the Virgins, to make much of Time GATHER ye rosebuds while ye may, Old Time is still a-flying: And this same flower that smiles to-day To-morrow will be dying." ~ Robert Herrick, 1591–1674 Good Morrow from an oh-so-very-dark Meadow Grounds Mountain where a stroll outdoors to look at the starry pre-dawn sky requires neither coat nor shoes. This is that riotous blooming part of April, that all-too-short reign of yellow and pink things in nature. Hopefully, you, Gentle Reader, are out of doors for part of it. Mrs. Teabody would not want you to approach summer without your brain chock full of mental images of daffodils, forsythia, magnolia and cherry. Sadly their season is a short one so no dallying.Take a little walk around your neighborhood and look at gardens and front yards and try not to get picked up for loitering. Do you watch much television? Before you scoff and say, "Everyone does," you should know ...