Mrs. Teabody Nostalgizes

“Nostalgia serves a crucial existential function,” Dr. Routledge says. “It brings to mind cherished experiences that assure us we are valued people who have meaningful lives." How cross has this "spring" month made you, Gentle Reader? The buds on Mrs. Teabody's forsythia and roses are so tight and tiny there seems little hope of a flowery Easter and even the little birds at the feeders are wearing their winter coats to breakfast. If it were not for a nice steamy cuppa English Breakfast and a wooly robe, Mrs. Teabody would be languishing abed instead of tapping away this almost the end-of-March Sunday morning. Complaining about the weather is fruitless, of course. Mother Nature will do as she pleases and if Easter morning arrives blanketed in a few inches of snow, it will come as no surprise to Mrs. Teabody and her esteemed group of friends pictured above. Clever Mr. Teabody used his computer skills to superimpose formal graduation/yearbook pictures from 1963 a...