
Showing posts from July, 2014

Mrs. Teabody Seizes Summer

Sweet days of summer,  the jasmine's in bloom July is dressed up  and playing her tune   ~ Seals and Croft 1972 Good Morning, Gentle Reader. Did you wake with a summer breeze  dancing quietly to birdsong this morning? No suffocating, maddening heat. No trepidation about how to endure another sultry day. What a rare and wonderful seventeenth day of July! What a rare and wonderful summer! A typical conversation starter  these halcyon days is "How is your summer?" and Mrs. Teabody always hears such wonderful remarks, all with a common theme: summer of 2014 is one of the loveliest summers in memory. Look around you. There is green glory everywhere. The trees are puffed and laden with shade. Lawns that often turn to tan and brown look as lush as they did at first cutting. Amid all that green is a primer on the color spectrum. Porch boxes, borders, hanging baskets spill trailing petunias and callie in paintbox colors,  lime and purple sweet potato v...