Mrs. Teabody Deals with Winter's Devastation

The First Knockout Good Morning from the sunny side of the mountain where most of the trees have finally unfurled in all their green and gold glory. Nothing can quite compare with the lushness of this little interval between winter and summer . Lawns are perfectly trimmed to best showcase the ponds of bright green that anchor each dwelling. Hopeful pots and fanciful containers filled with palettes of colors bright and soft sit along rural highways and next to doorways. Porch and window boxes drip petunias and hold up geraniums. Even the self-proclaimed "Black Thumb" gardeners usually hang a basket of flowers on a shepherd's hook to celebrate this season of growth. Last but not least are those who garden perennially, who dig and fertilize and prune and water deeply through all the seasons. Such are the Teabodys although they are no match for some of the master gardeners whose roses make the covers of magazines, whose gardens never seem to be attacked by glad...