Mrs. Teabody Receives a Special Gift

The greatest gift is a portion of thyself. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson Mr. Teabody at the fireplace he created. Not a single glimmer of daylight pierces the horizon on this third day of winter, but Chez Teabody is lamplit and humming along inside where Mrs. Teabody sits happily pecking away -- once again bundled up in winter flannel as the short-lived summer that waltzed through with its fifty degree temperatures has just as willfully waltzed off. In no way is this a complaint, mind you, as everyone will agree that it is easier to be filled with the Christmas Spirit when one is not dragging about a nearly frozen posterior. It is Christmas Eve, 2013. Are you ready for Christmas? How many times have you heard and/ or uttered this phrase in the past few weeks? What happens inside your brain when someone asks? Do you envision a checklist of things done and to do? Perhaps a list of names pops into your frontal lobe and you are at once pleased with the perfectly-imagined gif...