Mrs. Teabody on Pulling Up Stakes

Howdy, stranger? So long, friend! ~ "Any Place I Hang My Hat Is Home" Good moonlit morning from Meadow Grounds Mountain where at first waking glance - - first daylight, all outdoors had the quality of being covered in snow. Moonlight will do that to the senses: keep one confused about day and night, confused about bare green-less ground and snowcover, confused about a body part aching when, in truth, a heart is breaking . . . Mrs. Teabody is very sad today because in less than twenty-four hours, Mrs. Teabody's esteemed and generous friend, Lady Glass, will abandon her beautiful home here on the mountain and move far, far away--eighteen MILES!-- Alas! Lady Glass resides in a unique home as it straddles the very top of the mountain and the judicious planning and workings of the past nearly quarter of a century have given the Glasses the rarest of home locations. One can stand in the kitchen of Lady Glass's home and see the valley and mountains to...