Mrs. Teabody + Oranges + Apples = ?

Good Morning, Gentle Reader! Doubtless you are wondering why this first Saturday of SPRING finds you still in your winter pajamas with no hopes of balmy temperatures any time soon. Mrs. Teabody had hoped to spend some time giving her rose bushes a little trim and snack today, but with temperatures to remain in the thirties, Mrs. Teabody has enough sense to remain indoors and pursue appropriate indoor activities, i.e. reading and napping whilst ignoring household chores that have gone un-tackled as Mrs. Moppit has swanned off to warmer climes. Were you a talented mathematics student, Gentle Reader? If you were -- and it truly DOES take all sorts to make a world - - perhaps problems of this ilk did not inspire almost immediate ennui: Four oranges and five apples cost $3.56. Three oranges and four apples cost $2.76. Find the cost of an orange and the cost of an apple . . . Do pardon Mrs. Teabody as she nodded off after the second mention of oranges even though oranges serve a...