
Showing posts from July, 2012

Mr. Teabody Makes a Wish Come True

Bon Jour! Hola! Good Morrow, Gentle Reader! Mrs. Teabody trusts your slumber was restful and renewing, setting you in good stead for the challenges and/or fun the coming week affords. The weather forecasters have predicted a reasonably temperate Monday, and those of you bent on outdoorsy shenanigans shan't suffer too much. Truth to tell this summer day is one well worth greeting so do it properly. Quit dilly-dallying and give it a warm embrace. Mrs. Teabody shall shortly found herself sharing breakfast with Mr. Teabody inside the Secret Garden surrounded by bizzie lizzies and wild thyme and sipping a cuppa "Summer Passion." Brilliant, n'est-ce pas?  Mrs. Teabody does ten things well -- not nearly so many as you, Gentle Reader - - and fete planning is close to the top. Nothing gets Mrs. Teabody's grey matter bouncing about so much as the idea of opening Chez Teabody up to friends, and Saturday was a ripe date for such divertissement. Other than a Christmas part...

Mr. and Mrs. Teabody Visit Revel

Good Morning from the sunny side of the Meadow Grounds mountain where stepping outside  is already a bit like swimming through stew so Mrs. Teabody shall be serving up ICED tea at Tickle Your Fancy today. Both Summer Passion with its mango beat and Tropical Sunrise, a citrusy rooibos,   lend themselves particularly well to icy offerings and Mrs. Teabody wants all her Gentle Readers to slide through July in a collected state of mind.  While Mrs. Teabody finds much about summer to celebrate, the "H" trilogy, Hazy, Hot, Humid, finds itself quite far down her list of summer pleasures. Nonetheless, when the opportunity to  have an overnight stay at a brand new resort  on a sandy beach next to a rolling ocean, the Teabodys gleefully packed their beach basket with high-numbered sunscreen, thick sunglasses, and loaded Kindles. With Duchess Ming happily ensconced with her excellent good friends, Robin and Tim at Kritter Lodge, the Teabodys made their way on their lates...

Mrs. Teabody Laments the Passing of Friends

I am a part of all that I have met. ~Tennyson June has become July in fiery fashion, has it not, Gentle Reader, "knocking the starch out of" many enterprises. Mrs. Teabody trusts you all have the good sense  not to venture too far afield without judicious planning. Staying hydrated? Mrs. Teabody will soon be off to her charming and moderately cool shop, Tickle Your Fancy,  but before that happens there are a few thoughts beating against Mrs. Teabody's brow wanting to be dislodged, and it would be churlish not to oblige. Endings. Beginnings. There are so many of each to think about this July morning. A few days ago a quiet message informed Mrs. Teabody that a school chum had passed suddenly and the first thought that leapt to mind was how terribly upset he had been following a recent visit home to see how much the landmarks of his youth had changed and fallen into decay. Indeed was his only visit home a visit that made the end more sweet or more bitter? Hard to ...