Mr. Teabody Makes a Wish Come True

Bon Jour! Hola! Good Morrow, Gentle Reader! Mrs. Teabody trusts your slumber was restful and renewing, setting you in good stead for the challenges and/or fun the coming week affords. The weather forecasters have predicted a reasonably temperate Monday, and those of you bent on outdoorsy shenanigans shan't suffer too much. Truth to tell this summer day is one well worth greeting so do it properly. Quit dilly-dallying and give it a warm embrace. Mrs. Teabody shall shortly found herself sharing breakfast with Mr. Teabody inside the Secret Garden surrounded by bizzie lizzies and wild thyme and sipping a cuppa "Summer Passion." Brilliant, n'est-ce pas? Mrs. Teabody does ten things well -- not nearly so many as you, Gentle Reader - - and fete planning is close to the top. Nothing gets Mrs. Teabody's grey matter bouncing about so much as the idea of opening Chez Teabody up to friends, and Saturday was a ripe date for such divertissement. Other than a Christmas part...